The OnePlus 7T series was released last year in September. The OnePlus 7T Pro is bringing and Android 10.0 phone with a display of 6.55’’, as well as a 48MP backside triple camera and a 16MP single selfie camera. With a memory of 8GB RAM, the phone comes in two options of storage memory, either 128GB or 256GB. It incorporates a non-detachable battery of 3800mAh and fast charging option with 30W.
The March Android security patch is bringing for OnePlus 7T and OnePlus 7T Pro several new upgrades to their users to enjoy. The gadgets now feature brand-new features for the OxygenOS operating system.
OnePlus has recently upgraded its gadgets. At the moment, the OnePlus 7T is equipped with OxygenOS 10.0.8, while the OnePlus 7T features the 10.0.8 version. The upgrades are bringing improvements for the camera stability when the users capture slow-motion videos.
OnePlus 7T Update Brings Bug Fixes And Enhance Slo-Mo Capture
In addition to that incredible feature, the company tried to solve some bugs that were reported by the fans. Therefore, the upgrade is addressing the privacy and security issues, alongside with the improvement of the RAM management system.
Furthermore, up until now, the users have reported, in large numbers, a strange disappearance of random screenshots from their gallery. The new upgrade is hoping to solve the accidental deleting of personal files and is also improving the quality of playing the videos from Galery, eliminating any of the old lags.
However, one thing that the users should keep in mind is that the management team of the OnePlus 7T series is disorganized. Therefore the notifications to upgrade the phone may arrive later for some of the users. However, the process is done in a couple of minutes and is bringing improvements to the stability of the system and is solving some known issues. With that being said, it is worth installing and waiting for it.