HEY Email Update 1.0.8 Adds The Option To Open Files Within the App

Electronic communication is more important than ever in the age of COVID-19 when social distancing is a must. Emails remain a favorite way of transmitting important information for a large number of internet users, and access to a reliable service is a must.

Accessing email services on portable devices is mandatory, and HEY Email offers the opportunity to do this is a fun and convenient manner. It is easier than ever to check the email in a fun manner and enjoy a wealth of excellent features.

Seamless experiences

Renounce dodgy workarounds, complicated hacks, and annoying mechanics by harnessing the benefits of a robust app that comes with an array of smart features that will enhance your workflow and help you to organize your activities in an efficient manner.

Its common sense to screen your calls, and you should be able to do the same with emails. With HEY, you can take control over your inbox and decided who is allowed to send you emails. When a new contact sends you an email for the first time, you can decide if you want to receive more messages from them in the feature or to issue a block to stop potential spam.

Optimized workflow

Few things can be worse than an over-filed inbox, especially when you need to go through a lot of messages on a daily basis. Filter the content that gets in your inbox to ensure that you only read what matters, instead of facing countless receipts or newsletters.

Some email chains tend to shift topics rapidly, forcing you to go through to older messages to uncover important data. Use the built-in notes feature to save important data in a single place and remain organized at all times. Answer to important emails when you have time with the reply later feature.

The 1.0.8 update introduces the option to open PDF files, text, and HTML files within the app.

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